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logo for The Institute of Psychogeographic Adventure with honey-comb-like icon.


Experiment #42.000 (Ringling)

logo for SRQ Magazine as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo from the observer sarasota local newspaper as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo from the sarasota herald-tribune newspaper as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.

Experiment # 39 (Old City)

WHYY logo from PBS and NPR and tagline that says "Listen Live All things considered" for NPR's WHYY in Philadelphia as a clickable link that leads to an audio news review about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for Phindie with the byline "indepentent coverage of Philadelphia theater and arts" as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
Logo of Philly Weekly and their byline "where to go, what to do, what's up next" as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.

NewsWorks Tonight



"Fringe Festival
show promising
‘most unusual
walking tour’

“Along the path, mysterious and strange figures lead you to unexpected locales. The IPA has succeeded in creating an ergodic and cathartic theatrical experience...”

“...some 60 undercover performers will engage you in unexpected encounters of unimaginable flavor.”

logo from the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for theater critic Howard Shapiro with his headshot for "Shapiro on Theater: A Blog Post By Howard Shapiro" as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for artblog as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.

Experiment #23b (Brooklyn Museum)

logo for the brooklyn paper as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for "the dance enthusiast" website with the tagline "a moving arts project" as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for hyperallergic website as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for Brooklyn College news & media as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.
logo for the huffington post as a clickable link that leads to an article they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.

Experiment #17 (DUMBO)

logo for "the stomach flip" blog with a description of the blog and the blog title "Immersed in Memory" as a clickable link that leads to a blog post they wrote about the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure.

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